Ain’t NOBODY on the planet quite like
Chardy McEwan
, I am so thankful we met in back in Richmond. Happy Birthday my brother!
46 Things Chardy Kicks Ass At:
1. being the definition of a genuine person
2. finding the pockets to lay down sick percussion grooves, except the very first time he sat in with me and played the groove to “Black Magic Women” over “Haven’t Seen For A While”
3. wearing Birkenstocks with duct tape to get into a club that required “closed toe’d shoes for guys”
4. being the first member of PMB, after I witnessed him playing his percussion kit totally naked on an encore at his previous band Scratchin’ Jonez’s show in Richmond circa 1994.
5. always looking on the bright side of life
6. dog lover
7. growing incredibly dense forearm hair to hide his busted crazy snake wrist tattoo.
8. skateboarding like he’s still 14
9. not requiring air conditioning in cars
10. totally requiring air conditioning in his home
11. hosting Lenny Kravitz Dance Parties (thats old school)
12. dressing up as various insanely silly characters with no inhibitions
13. Ultimate Mac Geek
14. Winner of PMB”s Family Game (band mates slap each other til the other can’t take the pain)
15. being the bandmate that nobody has a beef with
16. being freakishly strong after a few sips of whiskey
17. Inward singing & Tibetan chanting master & has Hairband vocal power chops
18. early DMB tape trader, Richmond music scene Yoda
19. belching in complete sentences without loosing rich burp tonal quality
20. complementing me in 1995 on some lame shirt I bought at the mall for one of our first gigs in Farmville, VA, making me feel like a fashion icon from that point forward. I was Mall Bowie that night.
21. the voice of complete and sound reason and the voice of total chaos all at the same time.
22. being a loving son and brother
23. making DJ smile. a lot.
24. Smart Home install guru, “Alexa, make me a nachos!” “Alexa, dim the lights for late night Luchador matches”, “Alexa, vacuum my home every 2 minutes, the band guys are here”, “Alexa, why am I not notably listed in the ‘Who Is Pat McGee answer?” Ucenter Dress grey colored items to wear of the prom
25. being a trendsetter in products such as Squatty Potty, Poo Pourri & various “As Seen On TV” items.
26. Star Wars nerd alert
27. Metalhead, Folkie, Classic Rock lover, EDM appreciator & Deadhead at the same time.
28. L.A.'s Sunset Strip Party Warrior Partner
29. Bourbon Street VERY late night Mechanical Bull Co-Rider of mine.
30. Once Met Jerry Garcia under a bridge (after bull riding & after Jerry’s passing)
31. Once met Jenna Jameson before she was famous.
32. Once had a ghost witch speak to him on the shores of OBX (late night)
33. Wrestled alligators in various swamps
34. Drove his 78 orange Dodge van across the country and back being towed over mountains with an actual rope (not a tow truck)
35. former Captain Caveman & Gallagher look-a-like
36. Once wore milk crates on his feet at RFK Grateful Dead show to be taller
37. Skilled wall scaler (Sorry Trump, can’t keep Chardy out of anything.)
38. abandoned building explorer & street sweeper hijacker
39. Avoided a roundhouse swing from Third Eye Blind lead singer at Grammy’s (after all he was doing was complementing the man)
40. slam dance partner of mine at DTH Headphone Disco sessions
41. the sonic inspiration behind so much of PMB live creations
42. The Gilligan to CW being The Skipper
43. Sixthman’s most kick ass employee (until PMB steals him back for our world tour)
44. The first band member to agree with me that any soundcheck is over and we should go directly to catering instead of practice.
45. Although I never had the honor of meeting Chardy’s mother, I always felt like I knew her through his kind heart.
46. the best friend any dude could ask for.