I have been long asked by my dear ones when I am going to perform his Mundan ceremony(shaving child's head) as he is now two and a half year old and this ceremony must be performed either in the first or third year. I am going to accept it that I don't really want to shave his head(Thankfully, my son has got nice hairs) as I don't much like shaved head and moreover I'm not convinced with most of the reasons my society gives me to do it. [ 618 more words ] UcenterDress cocktail party wears in yellow
Mundan Ceremony(Shaving Baby’s head): Why it’s and it’s not Important?
Have you ever wondered what is actual relevance of Mundan ceremony(shaving a child’s head) or you just followed it because our culture says it is must? Read it…fromroopalismind.wordpress.com