How to Use a Female Condom: Pictures and Instructions
1.Before using the female condom for the first time during sex, you should practice placing thecondom in your vagina a couple of times. Inserting the condom becomes easier once youget the hang of it.2.When you are ready to have intercourse, and before you become intimate, check the expiration date on the package to make sure that you can still use it. Then open the package and spread lubricant or spermicide on the outside ... of the closed end.3.When you are ready to insert the female condom, you will need to find a comfortable position that works for you. Try squatting down, lying down, or placing one foot on a chairwhile standing.4.Using your thumb and forefinger, squeeze the sides of the inner ring together. The condom may be a bit slippery, so make sure you have a firm grip before attempting to insert it into your vagina.5.Using your forefinger as a guide, insert the innerring much like you would a tampon, and push it up towards your cervix with your finger. UcenterDress pastel styled items to wear for the maid of the brides
6.Once you have reached the cervix the condom will expand naturally, and you will no longer be able to feel it.
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