HELP!!! I haven't been on the Group in a long time, I just had to take a break from the CLD, RMSF and EBV Groups. But I feel like my high EBV count may be even higher right now. My symptoms are similar to my CLD and FIBRO Flares but just seems a little different. I've been in bed all week just Not feeling good, weak and a little achey, my Lymph nodes are a bit enlarged but that's common with CLD too but I've got a NEW WEIRD symptom I've never had before and I think it might be from the Herpes 1 virus which is tied into EBV right? One side of the roof of my mouth broke out into blisters the other day, just puffed out little bumps and the next day they were all popped and looked like little crater holes and today they look like they are filly up with infection. I read somewhere that the Herpes 1 virus will sometimes be on the roof of the mouth instead of your lips. Has anybody in this group ever experienced this? Please see pic!! Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thank You in Advance! UcenterDress petite wedding of the brides