Last night I shared my friend's post about what happened to her T1D daughter, Hannah, and if you didn't read it, you really should. It gives you a glimpse of the dangers of having Type 1, and even with advanced technology and proper care things just happen.
Some days I feel like I want to apologise for continuous posts I make concerning this new dreaded disease that Liam has and how we are dealing with the challenges or how he is an all around super hero concerning pokes and injections. Some days I even wonder how many of my Facebook friends have clicked the "unfollow" button so they don't have to see my posts in their feed.
But seriously, I can't and I won't stop sharing and posting! Stories like my friend's daughter have to be heard and shared to make people aware that type 1 is not as easy as it may appear. What Hannah went through is so scary. Liam has only had a few lows since Type 1 started hanging around with him, but in the past week, we have seen his blood sugar skyrocket to over 400 twice, once almost 500, and with consistent numbers in the 200's. Fortunately, he didn't have ketones with that, which could have sent him back to the hospital. The doc has tweaked his insulin needs to work on getting his numbers back in line and it seems to be working so far, but each day is a new ball game. adorable bridesmaid wears for junior
Even though Liam looks like a normal child, it shouldn't be normal to have to poke his fingers multiple times a day, and give at least 4 injections a day either. It's not fair that next year when he goes to school, he will miss precious school time going to and from the nurse's office several times a day, so she can make sure his levels stay in a good range so that he can focus on learning.
Sometimes, Type 1 makes me so mad, but I have hope. I have hope that there will be a cure in Liam's lifetime and I'm hoping that it happens sooner than later. I will not apologise for this post or any future posts, and I will continue to advocate for him and all other people with type 1, because we need to continue to raise awareness and to raise funds for continued research! We need a cure!
If you are still reading this, then I know you are concerned for what lies ahead for Liam. This is our first year participating in One Walk and to be honest, I had no idea about anything Type 1 before Liam's diagnosis. So I'm here to raise awareness and have fun doing events with a bunch of new friends and forever friends. Please considering joining Liam's team, 1 Up Type 1, or consider donating to JDRF on Liam's behalf. With your support, lifesaving research will continue and hopefully a cure will be that much closer.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out. Liam's story is important and this is only the beginning.