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Where you see yourself and your ex right now. And remember that you don't have to stay with your primary co-parenting style. I've included resources to help you maintain what's working and fix what's not. So without delay, let's get started...

Your co-parenting style may be immature if ... you don't have a lot of experience sharing parenting responsibilities and you haven't figured out yet how things are going to work. For example, you may:

Feel the need to check in with one ... another about the smallest of decisions
Talk multiple times a day or every day
Be undecided about how you're going to divide your parenting time and responsibilities
Is this you?

Parents stuck in this co-parenting style often feel: unsure, frustrated, and insecure.

What to do

Most parents experiencing this stage in their co-parenting relationship need to give it more time. Remember, too, that coming up with a plan and developing more experience as co-parents will help you both gain some much-needed confidence in your ability to parent together. aqua styled items to wear for maid of the bride

Dig deeper

Use the following resources can help you develop a stronger co-parenting relationship:

7 Ways to Parent More Consistently With Your Ex
Sample Joint Custody Schedules
Printable Parenting Plan Worksheets

# BeABlessingToYourRelationships
# ItsADecision
# ALifestyle

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