I felt cramped,my body felt like it was just stocked in a small box. The bright sun rays forced my eyes open. Opening my eyes that's was when I realized that I was in a car that definitely didn't look like mine. I was sitting by the passenger seat with a jacket on me,and not to mention the Godmother of all headaches which had attacked me that moment. I could almost hear my heart beating hard against my chest as I looked over at the guy who was sitting at the driver's seat. He was half naked. Consequences of alcohol ain't always that much fun honestly. There was no doubt that we had slept together, and my burning inner thighs confirmed it all. I felt cheap,I felt dirty. All my life I have only slept with Xander. Quickly I searched for my dress, it didn't look like a dress anymore. It had been torn. I shut my eyes tightly wishing for my own death. Nonetheless I wore my dress then cheap short wedding dresses
grabbed his shirt quickly and put it on top of the dress. Since it was too big on me it covered up the inhenced slit. I grabbed my purse then got off his car and rushed over to mine,trying so hard to get away from the eyes of the people. Funny enough I didn't remember a thing from last night. I drove home,trying so hard to ignore the headache. Arriving home I was welcomed by Zoe's car. I could almost sense the lecture I was about to get before it even started. I slowly walked inside the house.
Zoe: so you finally decided to come home?
Me:you can't be serious?
Zoe:I heard what happened..
Me:I'm having a headache.. I think I'm going to die
Zoe:so you went to the wedding?
Me:Zo..please,I'm dying here
Zoe has always been my friend, we met at Varsity during our third year. I'm not that much of a sociable person, I have never been. I have always been the shy one and it never bothered me because I like being in the house reading Daniel steel,Jackie Collins or Sydney Sheldon. I'm into books more than anything while Zoe is into living the moment. She goes with YOLO "You Only Live Once". I could see the pity in her eyes but I didn't want her pity or anyone's pity for that matter.
Zoe:I'm sorry..he's a scumbag! Let's stab him
I laughed.
Me:go to jail alone! I'm not going to be part of it
Zoe:he doesn't deserve you
Me:is there something wrong with me?
Zoe:no..you are perfect
Me:I doubt it..I love him...and he broke my heart over and over again..
Zoe:you will find someone who deserves your loving..
Me:what if I don't want anyone else?huh?what if I want Xander..5 years is a whole lot of time..
She walked up to me and wiped away my tears.
Me:5 years is a lot of time Zoe.. Its a lot and it hurts right here
I said taking her hand and placing it on my chest.
Me:right there.. If he didn't want me anymore then..he could have said so or if there was something wrong he could have said it..I swear I would have fixed it
Zoe:he's a bastard!
Me:I slept with a stranger!
Zoe: Aids is real friend!
Me:this is the first time it ever happened..
Zoe:still Rob..protection?
Me:how am I supposed to know when I dont even remember what happened.. I-
I was cut short by my phone ringing. I took it out from my purse,it was Dad.
Me:if God takes me now Zoe, I would be forever grateful..
Zoe: I don't think even God wants you now..you stink!
I clicked my tounge answering the phone.
Him:you have made the headlines in the newspaper
My heart skipped.
Me:did I?
Him:what's wrong with you Robyn?
Me:what did they write?
Him:you dance on tables now?
Me:God!the reporters never take a break do they!?
Him:this is serious!
Me:I'm sorry Papa
Him:I know you are hurt but that's no reason to act like a wild animal
Me:I'm really sorry
Him:you are moving back to the main house
Me:no..I have a life..I'm 25 for crying out loud!
Him:its not up for negotiation young lady! You are moving back with immediate effect
He said firmly silencing me that minute.
Him:am I making myself clear?
Me:I'm not going to stay with Jasmine
Me:I'm being serious.. I love you..bye!
I said dropping the call. Zoe was just looking at me. I sat on the floor.
Me:I'm not going to let this slide.. Xander is going.. To pay
Me:Karmer is a whoring bitch! She never misses the address.. I hope that stupid marriage crushes
Zoe:now thats deep..stand up and let's go to the pharmacy.. We can't afford pregnancy now. Do you remember the guy?
Me:no..I don't know him,just a total stranger
Zoe: and here I thought I was the whore!at least I'm not alone..whore is life
Me:you are going to die young so don't involve me.
She helped me up then dragged me to the bathroom. I looked at myself on the mirror, the reflection I got could easily qualify me to a horror movie.
I undressed as Zoe filled the tub. I hated my body,if there was anything I hated about myself my body easily took the first place. The stretch marks made it all worse.
Me:I wish I was slimmer
Zoe: you are fine the way you are..
Me:I'm not.. I have..this..ugly body
Zoe:you are beautiful.. You better embrace that
I walked away from the mirror then got in the tub.
Zoe:how about we go do our nails after we pass by the pharmacy?
Me:I just want to be alone..
Zoe: ok..bath
She said walking out. I closed my eyes as my tears cascaded and formed a little river. My heart was crushed,its like my whole life had just been crushed. Every plan I ever made with Xander had disappeared into the thin air. Our future. Everything. I felt empty.
I drove inside Leeto's yard. Being the black sheep in the family makes staying at home so hard due to you being the constant topic. I crush with my friends in order to avoid my father and Xander's mother.
I know that if it happens that I stay with them I would probably lose it. Getting inside Leeto's house Ayanda caught my attention. She was only in an oversized T-shirt. Ayanda is Leeto's girlfriend. She's probably he's new girlfriend but then I dont always know what happens in his life because I stay Germany. I love it in Germany, because I'm my own Person and I can never be criticised by anyone. I live my own life and I live the way I see fit. Ayanda kept on starring at me,the first day I saw her I knew she was an easy target.
Me:are you fine?
She looked down trying to hide her embarrassment. I didn't have my T-shirt on because my one night stand had decided to take it with her. I have slept with a lot of girls before but no one like her. Whoever she was dating really messed her up.
Just then Leeto walked in.
Him:how was the wedding?
Me:what do you think?
Him:it happens..its life..we move on
Me:I love Anne! They betrayed me!
Him:and what's that?
He said pointing at the hoop earring I was holding.
I sighed.
Me:my one night stand?
Him:I bet they were throwing themselves at you..its good to be DJ Xav
Me:fuck you! I'm going to shower
I said walking away though I could feel Ayanda's eyes on me. If she wasn't Leeto's girlfriend I would have been talking a different story right now.
I got inside the room I was using then took a shower. As I showered I remembered her statement, it might have not made sense when she said it but now that I thought about it..it did make sense."Relationships ain't shit!love ain't shit..life ain't shit! No more love..."
Love is just fucked up. After taking the quick shower I dressed up. After dressing up I took my phone and called my manager. Since I signed into a label company I have a manager,that's the perks of my job.
He picked up after a while.
Me:I think I wanna come back..sooner that I thought
Him:ok..I will update you
Me:great! Thanks!
I said dropping the call. I had no business here anymore, and I was done! Getting back at the kitchen Ayanda was still cooking.
Me:where's LT?
Her:ohh he went to bath
Me:tell him I went out
Her:I'm almost done cooking
Me:I will pass!
Her:I'm sorry about what Xander did..
I slightly nodded then walked out. If LT could see this Ayanda chick for who she truly is. I got in my car then drove straight to Xander's house.
I knocked a couple of times before he opened the door. I knew they didn't go on a honeymoon because of the deal he had to seal.
Me:so you betrayed me?your own brother
Him:you know I didn't want this
Me:then what stopped you from refusing?
Him:I couldn't.. There was a lot at stake..and if you had come back you-
I didn't let him finish I had already thrown a punch at him that led him to the floor.
Me: all along you wanted Anne..
He stood up.
Him:you know its not like that..
I threw another punch at him,I was angry.
Me:you bastard!
I said giving him another punch that led him to floor again. He was already bleeding from his nose. I started kicking him.
"Stop!" Anne said walking inside.
Me:and you!
I started walking towards her.
Anne:I'm sorry.. Xavier please calm down
Me:calm down? Are you fucking kidding me? You just married my small brother! How does that make you feel and how should I feel about it?
I said walking back to Xander and started kicking him again.
Me:calm down?
She said touching my hand.
Me:take your hands off me
Anne:Xavier.. Love listen i-
Me:get your fucken hands off me Anne!
She freaked out letting me go.
Me:don't try me!
She was already crying.
Me:don't you dare try me! After everything this is what you do?
Anne:I'm sorry.. Xav..
Me:dont Xav me..you fucking with my lil brother Anne! The fuck?
Anne:I'm so sorry..I'm really sorry
Me:you are so cheap!
I walked out and went straight to my car then sped away. I was finding it hard to calm down that I ended up stopping the car at the side of the road then rolled a blunt. I smoked as I was sitting on top of my car. My phone vibrated,it was a message from mom. It had been time since I last heard of her.
"Xavier.. I heard you are here. I hope you can come to see me"
I quickly deleted the message then called my Manager again.
Me:Chad!I need to leave tonight!
I could feel that my body couldn't anymore but I kept on pushing, I wasn't going to stop. I had been running ever since 5a.m and it was now around half 6. I finally stopped as I arrived at my house. I was trying to lose wait, I also wanted a slim nice body. I took water from the fridge as soon as I got in the house. I took my phone which was ringing,it was Zoe.
Her:I'm coming over with breakfast
Me:I hope its vegetables
Her:why are you starving yourself
Me:what do you mean starving myself? Its called a diet..
Her:eating once a day..you call that diet?..drinking chemicals..to what?help you slim? Is that a diet?Taking injections which help you slim? So thats your defination of diet?
Me:its my life..
Her:stop doing that to yourself.. You are perfect the way you are
Me:then why doesn't anything work out for me?
Her:babe..Xander doesn't deserve you
Me:why did he leave me?
Her:because there's someone out there..who can treat you better than he can
Me:I have to prepare for work..bye
I hang up without even waiting for her to respond. I walked to my room. My picture with Xander which was by the dressing table caught my attention. Once upon a time I had the perfect guy..then I lost him. I held the picture in my hands. Deep down I wished he could come back to me,deep down I wished he could just show up and tell me he wants to come back.
**To Be Continued**