I really, really dig this rifle (Except for the cheapie red dot, this gat deserves at least a Primary Arms RD)...Some people may view it as sacrelegious, dressing up a classic rifle in black and adding rails n shit, and I understand the 'blued steel and walnut' perspective, BUT...
A well set up levergun is a formidable weapon, even today...Id like one either chambered in 9x19 or .30-30; That way, it either takes the same ammo my handgun does, or is still chambered in the classic round, which is good from 0-300 yards and powerful enough to solve any problem in Washington state. With its light weight, smoothe, low profile, excellent balance and sights, its an easy rifle to shoulder and fire quickly and reflexivley. With its magazine tube, capacity is fair(In .30-30 or other 'rifle' rounds) or excellent in pistol rounds. Sure, compared to modern standard capacity magazines (20-30 rounders) or high cap mags or drums (50-100), a dozen or so rounds doesnt seem like much, but you dont use a lever gun like you do a mag fed gun; Its philosophy of ammo managment is more like that of most shotguns (Which are also tube fed) except even faster! Instead of fireing to bolt/slidelock and then changing mags, most loading should be done 'tactically', i.e, topping off the magazine tube at every oppertunity, shooting one or two rounds and then loading one or two rounds into the tube, keeping the majority of ammo in reserve, in case of an emergencet where you need to dump all the ammo possible down range and dont have time to top it off as you go; Done right, this is almost an infinite ammo cheat! evening dresses for over 50
I currently employ a Ruger Mini-14 as my scout/patrol/jungle gun: In situstions where the threat level is relativley low, and a handy, lightweight gun is a better choice than something bigger, heavier, and posessing more firepower, a levergun like this would be just about perfect! In fact, even though my Mini is magfed and semi auto, as well as light and handy, it suffers from enough drawbacks id seriously consider trading it for a gun like the one pictured.