"When I say "I 'homeschool'" and you tell me that you aren't cut out for that, or that you could never do that, I will laugh and tell you that I'm not either, and I couldn't either. Trust me. I tried bringing public school home. It was misery. Why would I bring a system that is one-size-fits-all into my home and try to replicate it? It doesn't make sense! If I need to make a batch of cookies, I don't need a factory bakery conveyor belt system installed to get the job done. Wh ... at I have in my kitchen will do the trick just fine, and maybe even better. Store-bought cookies, or fresh home-baked cookies? It's pretty simple.
So, to those of you who've had the feeling that your child deserves better...Those of you who have watched your children diagnosed with a learning disability and struggle to "keep up" with their peers...those of you who have considered homeschool but have hesitated because of money/fear/uncertainty/lack of a teaching degree/lack of organization/lack of discipline/etc/etc. I am here to tell you that it is more than possible. It feels more organic and natural than anything I have ever experienced before in my life. You aren't alone in this. The number of families taking this path is growing every year. You can have a better home and family life. You can inspire your children to learn to love learning in an organic, holistic way and achieve WHATEVER their hearts are pulling them to do! It is a thrilling, vibrant, exciting journey that I am so glad we struggled into! " quinceanera dresses with jackets
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