"Puffy face, droopy milk filled boobs, wider hips and belly full of stretch marks!! That's my post baby reality, no 'bouncing back' here!
And you know what? I couldn't give a sh*t! Because I'm not the same person I was before I had babies, so why would would I want my body to reflect something and someone I no longer am?
Those droopy boobs fed my babies and grew them up big and strong
Those hips and rippled belly were home to my little babes for 9 months
It might not be the 'transformation' body so many ogle or aspire to! And sure, some days I wish it didn't jiggle so much and was a bit 'firmer' but then I just remember the awesome stuff it's done and cut myself some slack and go eat a cheeseburger, because we earned it." wedding wears suitable for a tall bride
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Credit: Sleeping Grace Photography
Submitted by @House of White_ via Instagram
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