Obviously; by the present status - nationwide - for Canis Dingo - listed across Australia as an outlaw; in their homeland which might be acceptable to those who prostitute themselves when such insults our "heart and all we see as unique and Ausralian." To those who may feel they are doing a lot, really it amounts to nothing, with the outcome and reality in view. The fact Australia uses 1080 ; is because the required vanguard demanding a stop is not in operation. Six decades of using a class 1a deadliest poison 1080 that the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION DEMAND BAN ACROSS THE GLOBE WHICH IS IN PLACE EVERYWHERE........ EXCEPT HERE AND NEW ZEALAND. No amount of self praise and narcissistic portrayal, will make such evil credible or legitimate. The appalling effort in a test paper marked exam, by the WHO in our legacy of conservation betrayal and anybody with a thinking mind, can clearly see, we get a blatant failure and its not good enough. Accolades to Danielle Saunders for merit with intent, to be worthy and give purpose, while the vast majority of "doormats " ignore and dismiss anything of integrity orientation and watch "home and away" and "cooking shows" as our wildlife continue to be wiped out as we retain our world record in mammal extinction. The insipid subservient obedience, like deciples from Jim Jones assembly of zealots, in Jones Town is shameful. Where are the mass protests? Our Commissioner Gregor Andrews for Threatened Species promotes 1080. What an insult to intelligence, as this "oximoronic traitor" goes unaccountable. Due to the "deafening silence" by those who are "working so hard" to rectify the same routine in place over 6 decades that has seen our endangered Dingo wiped out in many places due to the condoned hypocrisy of people with a constitution of a Jellyfish where nothing has changed. We hold the world record in mammal extinction. Not China, Africa or Asia. We big mouth discontent at the Japanese for Whaling - while silently condoning the agenda into Dingo extinction and all the fauna and flora that depends upon this modulator and Guardian of the Ecosystem for survival, which is clearly proved in the research by what to wear for a middle school prom party Arian Wallach and Adam O'Neill at Evelyn Downs. Then there is Yellowstone and the reintroduced Wolf story that goes around like a scratched record, never making an iota difference, when so required. The idiotic fool of betrayal with Gregory Andrews broadcast, stating 1080 is as "dangerous as hairshampoo" who eats hairshampoo ffs. And "every cup of tea has 1080 in it". Show some respect to those with knowledge and the WHO and Clyde Graf who made Poisoning Paradise. Where are those in groups and clubs who should be rallying behind Danielle Saunders and Jeanette Woolerton instead of supportwith hypocritical subservience to the Greens and RSPCA who destroy any legacy of credability by their prostituted stance that goes opposite their created fundermental core. Our Dingo, Raptor, Reptile, Quoll and Insect population, including the Bees and Earthworms and the "Deadlands" ( Geoff Couper ) where no life exists, in rural Australia, where ample fresh water and trees abound, but resemble a post atomic zone, due to those "working so hard" to make changes not making the slightest ripple in impact . Almost all OUR reserves and parks are bombarded by 1080 baits. Pastural and non pastural zones are dumped with 1080. It doesn't matter how many animals and birds suffer over days in agony after eating 1080 before dying and becoming a meal to the next victim who feeds on such dinner bowl. That is the broad view by apathy and how interested 24 million Aussie's are on this our greatest priority. 1080 cannot be contained and has no antidote. Everything that eats this super toxin dies and they die an inhumane agonizing cruelty that the bloody Commissioner Gregory Andrews promotes as "great stuff." If idiots believed this traitor they would put 1080 on their wheatbix. The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION DEMAND BAN ACROSS THE GLOBE ON 1080 IS FOR GOOD REASON. I wish there were people in abundance like Danielle Saunders and Jeanette Woolerton who do care and are not like the vast majority in competition with Lilliputans. For it is their "wake up call" that needs support. Not the same old failed strategy, with another wasted effort 509th petition to flush down the toilet after suckers have felt they gave done something constructive. It is not working. Support is needed for CHANGE not the pathetic "tall poppy syndrome" that will see 6 decades of bs turn into 7 because of hurt ego. Its time to get over that immaturity and take on the duty of care as TRUE BLUE. Fabio Antonioli Jen Parker John Marsh Zac Forster Allan Yaginy Clinton Pryor Kane Rogers Andy Meddick Andy Duke Mary Anne van den Hoek Mary Ann Rath Sally Ann Chapman Daniel Collard Danielle Campbell Sophia Hoeben Cameron Wadadje Gunn